Meet Your Personal Trainers


Ray Hecita

Ray grew up being active his whole life by participating in various sports including track, cross country, basketball, martial arts, boxing, volleyball and bodybuilding. His nutrition education started in 1985 - 1987 working for Natures Way. Then continued education on nutrition and fitness throughout his life. He worked as a Personal Trainer for nineteen years. Working for most large gyms in Washington State, he realizes most people were not being serviced well and getting hurt or injured.

Ray finally found his true calling and that is to help transform people’s lives for the better. He started Pure Results in September of 2006. With his experience over 35 years, he is able to help many people change their lives for the better. With his lovely wife May and her continued support and love. They began helping more people, by listening to their needs and coming up with valuable services that truly work. We tailor each exercises and programs to fit each individual’s needs and wants. By helping them get in the best shape they have ever been before and continue to help support and guide them throughout their lives.  By supporting them, we can make positive changes in people’s lives and will make our world a more healthier place to live.


May Hecita

May is a Core Accountability Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, a former registered nurse and a mother of two boys. She switched to becoming a personal trainer from being a nurse because she can impact more people’s lives, by helping them get fit and strong mentally and physically.

Everything changes when you become a mother. Women may feel overwhelmed by the sudden change as we navigate to a role of motherhood, which often results in health issues. Sometimes it gives a whole lot of meaning of mental and physical stress. She decided to make these changes herself whether it’s taking care of ourselves and not eating right or simply being encompass by stress. I’m sure you all can relate.

Her mission is to create a health and wellness platform to support you in living in harmony with your body, mind and spirit. Allowing you to be the best version of yourself. With self care, self love and being mindful, we will create and transform health into a positive strong and overall wellness, which will lead you to a better life filled with success.


Erin joined our team in September. She recently earned her personal training certification, through ISSA, after completing 11 successful years of service in the United States Navy. Her goal is to pursue a degree in nutritional psychology. She enjoys being active, traveling, spending time with family, and making a difference in people’s lives. Erin hopes to help people achieve their desired fitness goals.